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Proper Care For Your Boat's Outboard Motor To Help It Last Longer

by Terry Torres

Whether you love to go boating for fun or sport, you know that nothing is more frustrating than a motor that won't start. You can help your boat's outboard motor last longer and be more reliable by performing a few care tips every time you use it and doing some winter care as well. Here are proper care tips for your outboard motor so you can have a great time with your boat all season long.

Flush the motor out

Flushing out your outboard motor is essential to keeping it clean and free of debris and rust. After every use, whether you are using your boat in fresh or salt water, flush the engine until it runs free of moisture. Flush your motor by turning on the engine and allowing the water pump to operate freely for a few moments. Remove all seaweed or algae from the unit as well so the propellers don't get residue on them that slow the motor down. This will help keep your motor ready for each new adventure.

Check major components

Fuel and pump lines should be properly connected. Check them often to make sure they are not loose or rusted. After every use, you should also turn off your motor's key and battery switch so your motor doesn't drain energy unnecessarily. The propellers should remain free of cracks or chips and should rotate easily with little force (when the engine is not running). If they are hard to move, then spray or rub them down with a lubricant. You should check these major parts of your boat's motor every time you use it if you only run your boat a few times a season or every few times you operate it if you boat regularly. 

Prepare your outboard motor for winter

At the end of the season, drain all your fuel into proper containers for recycling so you can begin the new season with fresh fuel. You will want to cover the motor with a waterproof canvas or tarp to keep moisture and rodents out of the engine. Disconnect fuel and pump lines prior to storing so you can keep them free of buildup, frost, and moisture as the weather gets colder.

As long as you take care of your boat's outboard motor, you can expect the engine to last upwards of 1,000 hours before it needs to be replaced or professionally maintained. Perform basic care on your motor and you can enjoy your boat for many water expeditions. When you do need to replace your motor, reach out a a company like All Seasons Honda & Peninsula Ski-Doo.
