Martial Arts Mastery: The Dojo Matters

Why A Custom Rifle Might Be A Good Idea For You

by Terry Torres

Millions of American's own rifles for a range of different reasons. Some are enthusiasts and like the sport of shooting, others simply love to hunt and rifles are a means to an end. Whatever the case may be for you, sometimes your regular, mass-produced rifle just won't feel right for your needs. If you are struggling to get acquainted with your new rifle for whatever reason, then you might want to consider getting a custom-made rifle that is built with only you in mind. Here are a few of the advantages that custom rifles can have for your average American.

Fit To Your Body

It is so vitally important that, when you use your rifle, it feels like it fits your body. That means you need the stock to feel comfortable, the trigger to be at an easily accessible place for your hand, and the scope and barrel to line up exactly how you like it. If it doesn't feel like it 'fits' you, you won't shoot as well as you possibly could. Getting certain elements of your rifle tweaked so that you feel as though the rifle is an extension of your body when shooting is crucial to being accurate when it counts.


Quite a few American's are left-handed, and while they can still operate a normal rifle, it can feel uncomfortable and as though they are making a square peg fit in a round hole. Left-handed rifles are often custom-made because there is less of a market for them, but if you really feel as though you cannot accurately use a traditional right-handed rifle, then you do not need to put up with one. There are many options out there that can make it a more pleasant experience for you. Just talk to a custom rifle manufacturer to express your main sticking points with traditional guns.


Maybe you like everything about the rifle except for the heaviness. When going out on long hunting trips and trying to maneuver the rifle around properly, it is easy to become fatigued after a couple of hours. Custom rifles can be made from more expensive but lighter materials, such as carbon fiber, while still being extremely accurate and durable. If you want to save your back and shoulder a lot of pain in the upcoming hunting season, it might be time to invest in a lighter firearm option than what you currently have. 
